Capturing the ideas to keep your company competitive
Value is captured when a company does something different, unique or simply … what is right. This is additional value to that the company already had and what will be needed for the future. And it’s not only financial. The value to society, rather than shareholders, is key, Non tangible, value. Value creation can be short lived unfortunately. Both the ability to create new value and the sustainability of the ideas implemented. So a continuous process of idea generation and capture is needed to maintain the advantage.
AT-IPIC´s ATLAS takes the classic innovation process as it’s core methodology. Then we build the difference.
- By including risk and opportunity we can value each idea more accurately as we include mitigation costs.
- This means we level the playing field with other ideas which have great potential but cost too much in mitigation. Thus we increase the likelihood of success as only those ideas with positive bottom line impact will be taken forward.
- The opportunity and risk mitigation actions create sub projects which can be rolled out to other functions, plants etc improving cost efficiency and reducing overall company risk levels.
- A feedback loop has been included to capture knowledge and support procedure updating and guideline documentation. Key in the digital world of the future.
Through a control tower, AT-Light, we are able to identify areas that are no longer viable due to changing costs or market conditions and stop inefficient investments. The lighthouse system is highlighting the future so these actions can be kept for future implementation if the window of opportunity is seen to be there or stopped completely if not.
The result is a system that continuously provides innovation, sustains and grows financial results and is built on your existing company infrastructure. In other words adding to top line growth.
The prerequisites for implementation are:
- A company culture leveraging idea capture and empowering people to be creative. If every employee has only one idea per year and say 10% of the ideas show value then we have a continuous and ever growing resource that will provide the advantages needed for future value.
- An industrial controlling function to provide data transparency for AT-Light. A control function with focus on the future.
Can AT-IPIC help?